Saturday, August 13, 2005

Planning to Serve

My children need to have a ministry. However small or trivial it may seem, they need me to help them develop the passion for and the habit of serving other people in the Lord's name. In fact, even though it is now the "day of small things," I want them to dream of big things they can do to reach out, minister and serve. I want them to grow not just believing, but seeing that God will use even the smallest servant to accomplish great things.

However, if I want my children to have a heart for the lost, they must see me reaching out to the lost with a passion for their souls. If I want them to have a heart to serve others, they must see me serving others joyfully and without complaint....Even as the disciples saw Jesus model servanthood before their eyes day after day, so my children will notice and respond to my example if they see me serving them and others in our home day after day with a thankful and joyful heart.

Practically, this part of my life requires careful and strategic planning, orelse it will be swept aside in the rush of a busy life. It is my responsibility to create opportunities for my children to minister to others-to generously share their money, food, or toys; to give up their bedrooms for traveling missionaries; to volunteer for childcare during the church meetings; to serve meals at a homeless kitchen; to teach a smaller children's Sunday school class; to visit a nursing home.

...These are not just duties, but acts of unselfish service that train their hearts to look to the needs of others first.

...Be sure you focus in on eternal issues, on the areas that prepare their heads, hearts and hands to be useful to God-knowing God's truth, becoming godly people, and doing God's work of ministry and service. These are the priorities that will give them an excitement for using their academic training and their gifts and abilities for God's purposes.

...because it will count for eternity.

Seasons of a Mother's Heart by Sally Clarkson

I need this type of nudge. Serving others can so easily be lost in the hustle and the bustle. I agree that it takes planning.

So far, I'd say, I get a C.

Much work to be done.

But for now we are off to gather Emma from camp.
Oh, the ride home will be wonderful!

Encourage one another,

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