Saturday, August 12, 2006


Let's see if I remember how to do this :o)

We arrived home late yesterday afternoon.
Good safe drive.

Visiting with my sisters (and their families) is just so good for my heart.
I just love em so much!

Emma and her cousins really got along well. Cindy, Sue and I love to see this as we were very close to most of our cousins when we were growing up.

They went to the movies, and played soccer, went swimming and bummed around town.
Really sweet...and fun!

Sue and I worked on setting up for Kurt and Wes' graduation party on Wednesday. The food was being catered so we just need to organize and decorate.
We had a fun time working together!
(And ya know that saying, "Many hands make light work." It's true :o)

Grambo's funeral plans keep Cindy busy...but we were able to spend a lot of time with her too! Emma was very excited to see Cindy's bulldog...but poor Samson proved to be a big chicken :o) He is a real cutie tho!

Cindy and Sue both have good senses of humor and I had fun watching Emma watch them :o) They sure are fun to be around!

Jeff, Katie and Sue waiting for their Zip Burgers.

Emma and Cindy looking fab in their shades.

Mugs Up. We love this place.

Jeff, Emma and Wes are ready to tear up the soccer field!

Good times :o)

We missed Jim, Nancy, Janice and Janet....of course. But that didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves :o)

The graduates, Kurt and Wes, are very fine young men!
I'm proud to be their Auntie!

And I will say this for their parents...

Be Always Coming Home.

Have a wonderful August weekend! It's gorgeous here in Wisconsin.

Encourage one another,

p.s. I found the perfect solid colored sock yarn for the lace socks!!!
We dragged all of the kids to the yarn store. he he he

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