Saturday, October 21, 2006

beauty is twice
and what is good is doubly
when it's a matter of two
woolen socks
in winter.

From Ode to My Socks by Pablo Neruda

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Birthday socks. Finally finished.
Purdy Sweet.
Just right for Sweet Sue.

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This Regia yarn is so thin I think I could use a size zero needle with this pair of Manly socks. These are for hubby dear. If he doesn't want to wear them...I'm sure Matthew or Patrick will take them off his hands :o)

Why am I not knitting the shawl, you ask?

I have used up the two skeins of Shetland (in that pretty Loganberry) and the store doesn't have any I will use that yarn for socks or mittens.

But now I have to send away for 13 skeins of Shetland. It's not terribly expensive, but I just can't seem to get myself to order it. And I'm just not sure the Loganberry is the color for me.

This is me. At my wish-washiest.

And so I knit socks from the stash of yarn I have on hand.

It's a beautiful stash.

Wishing you a peaceful weekend with the ones you love!

Encourage one another,

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