Friday, June 15, 2007


I got a haircut

and had it colored.

My lips look like Clutch Cargo in the first picture.

That's a little better.

No one is home and I didn't have anyone to show.
And for some reason,
I am getting use to putting my mug up on this blog for everyone to see.
The Clutch Cargo face just had to be shared,
even if 9/10th of you have never heard of him.

You lik-ee?


Z. Williams

The Friday Feast

Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________

The scenery.
Wisconsin is a beautiful state even tho it doesn't have an ocean which is my very favorite thing in the world to look at but I love the green rolling hills, the farms, the gorgeous skies and the clear fresh air.

I wanna look at the horizon
And not see a building standing tall

I wanna be the only one
For miles and miles
Except for maybe you
And your simple smile

Create a new name for a deodorant (like “Flower Fresh” or “Shower Scent”).

Smell be gone.

What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?

'you' it says 'you'.

No way Jo-se.
Not gonna do it.

Main Course
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say?

Most likely to leave a comment.

What two colors do you like to wear together?

black and denim

The best picture I have of myself I am wearing a black skirt and jean jacket.
So I have decided that is my look.


One week until Matthew and Melinda get married.

I'm so excited for them. They are a wonderful couple.
Melinda is thrilled to become Matthew's wife...
and Matthew is thrilled to have Melinda as a wife. he he

Sometimes I think Matthew is getting the better end of the bargain,
but I know in my heart that Matthew will be a good husband.

He loves Melinda and he will be true to her.
He loves Jesus and will continue to follow His will.
He is a hard worker and will never be a slacker.
He is funny and will make Melinda laugh.
And he will be a good, devoted daddy (if he can learn not to play so rough)
and that is something every bride hopes for.

And the most comforting thing as a mom is that I can turn all those things around and say the same for Melinda.

She loves Matthew and will be true to him.
She loves Jesus and will continue to follow His will.
She is a hard worker.
She is funny and will make Matthew laugh.
And she will be a wonderful loving mommy and that is something every
groom hopes for.

Nope. No worries about them.

I think they have a firm foundation.

What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. ~Ruth Bell Graham

Happy Friday!
See ya in the comments!

Encourage one another,

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