Thursday, April 16, 2009

TEA party: Madison Wisconsin


We went to a TEA party yesterday!


Current and future taxpayers were there.

tea party hat

Some people wore tea bags.

tea party shirt

Had something to say.


And made us laugh.

tea party dog

And dressed up their dogs.

But the best part was....

Nancy's daughter spoke before the great crowd of five thousand!

She was poised and articulate and inspiring!

The crowd loved her!

Lynn and I glanced again and again at one another in awe of this young lady!

Her parents must be so proud and from the video, you can hear her little sister is super proud, too!



At 5:30 this light was so gorgeous, I had to take a few shots of Katie.


Little poser ;o)


"Got a penny in my pocket,
got an angel on my shoulder..."


If you haven't seen the Susan Boyle youtube yet, head on over to youtube to watch it.
They have disabled 'embed' so you will need to watch it there.

I had seen this over the weekend and kind folks kept sending me word about it...
then Emma called last night after watching it. If Emma loved it, I knew I had to share it with you all.

She is pretty picky about her popular culture :o)

Susan Boyle sings

So there ya go...

a little protest, a pretty picture, and a song...

Encourage one another,

p.s. Faraday is evil! I just know it.

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