Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I watched Return to Me last night. Have you seen that movie?
Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake wrote the screenplay and I can see Bonnie's fingerprint all over the film.

For the last two years I have watched The Bonnie Hunt show every day.
I have heard about her loves and favorites and I have met her friends/colleges that are on the staff.

So last night, it was just so much fun to catch all the Bonnie in the movie.

The music...the Dean Martin music...and the city; Chicago.
I spotted Bonnie's friends and staff throughout the movie.
And her mom was in the movie. Briefly. But she looked so pretty.

The movie is sentimental and funny and sweet.

My favorite scene is one of old men dancing. It's magical!

If you haven't seen it and you like Bonnie, you really should watch this movie.


I bought myself a little Christmas present...

Eye Candy Actions by Sheye Rosemeyer

I love her look and her actions are on sale until Christmas so I took the plunge.

I also bought a white balance tool. Which I hate and am sending back.

Here is a picture I took with my new white balance too yesterday.



Good thing I had some new actions to play with.


DSC_1081-2hazy-crDSC_1081-2 copy-cr


Something a little different.

And here's Emma.

No actions magic. Just our pretty girl in the garage wearing an alpaca hat that I knit a few years back.
The guys don't really like it. They think it is too light. But Emma, she is like her mom. We are all about the feeling.
Soft. Softer. Softest.

That's alpaca. Yum.


What a jumble of things today.
Ah well.
That's how I fell I guess.

All jumbled and a bit discombobulated.

Encourage one another,

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