Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Emma is home and she teaches me so much.

Yesterday at Luke house (local food kitchen) I was assigned to a different task.
I like my task of scooping up the meat loaf and putting it on the plate.
In fact, it's the only job I have done in three years. I like it.

But things were different and yesterday I was told to serve the tables.
This came with lots of new jobs and more interaction with the 'hungry customers.'

It was extremely slow because of gun fire in the area and a standoff.
This kept people away which always makes me sad.

I overheard talk about getting shot and from a man saying he was shot at but never hit.
He was told he was blessed by the man who had been shot.

I mentioned this to Emma and that is the table she wanted to go and sit at.

So part of the experience at Luke house is sitting down to eat with the hungry customers.
We want them to know that they are welcome and we are happy to see them and eat with them and share a meal with them.

Both Emma and I had slight drama at our tables and when I mentioned it to her she said,

"That's what happens when you make friends and enter into relationships. Dishing up food does not get as messy."

So like the man in About a Boy, entering into relationships is messy and it IS easier to stand alone sometimes.

But I have to tell you, I got a hug from a man with dreadlocks and no teeth and very dirty hands,
and it was lovely.

Encourage one another,

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