Saturday, October 29, 2011

Last night I put the finishing touches on a slideshow for Holly and her family.

There were three pictures that stood out to me.
Three pictures that were blurry but special.

That's wrong....this is not blur, these pictures are really just out of focus.
The camera could not focus fast enough for my trigger finger!

BUT the two shots of Chris and his little girl are so tender and sweet....I couldn't keep them to myself.
I told Holly if she wanted small prints of these...she could have them.
They are too special to stay hidden on my hard drive.

They are unconventional but beautiful to me.




It think it's kind of nice that this sweet kiss is out of focus.

My shutter is shy.


I decided to show this shot in the slideshow....
it is not perfect.....

but the feeling and beautiful face of that dear one....

it bypassed the technical issues I fretted over.

Isn't this sweet!?


I think I need to embrace the OOF shot.
Actually, I already do.

Now I have to convince everyone else that I am doing it on purpose!

Art. Don't cha know.

Encourage one another,
the Accidental artist

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